【人物】 李英
李英,臺灣當代國樂代表作曲家、指揮家之一。出生於藝術世家,1978年畢業於國立藝專五專部國樂科(現國立臺灣藝術大學), 1987年,留學於美國密蘇里州立大學(UMKC)音樂院研究所。1991年,返國後,從事演奏、創作、教學、執行製作各類型音樂相關工作。1992年起任臺北市立國樂團副指揮,並兼任北市國附設青年國樂團指揮,具有指揮與作曲雙專長。在音樂創作上,主張東、西方作曲語法的交融,衍生具本土特色又有雅俗共賞的現代國樂。2011年自北市國自願退休,2012年起從事自由創作、客席指揮、音樂評委與客席講座。
LEE Ying is one of the most representative contemporary composers and conductors of Chinese music. Born into an artistic family, LEE graduated from the National College of Arts (now known as National Taiwan University of Arts) in 1978. In 1987 he pursued further studies in the music graduate program at the University of Missouri-Kansas City. He returned to Taiwan in 1991 and began to perform, compose, teach, and direct, while making use of a variety of performance forms. In 1992 became associate conductor for the Taipei Chinese Orchestra (TCO), as well as the conductor for the TCO Junior Youth Orchestra. In addition to conducting, LEE also specializes in composing. His compositional style interweaves Western and Asian techniques, resulting in modern Chinese music that has a local style but which also suits contemporary musical tastes. LEE retired from TCO in 2011 and since 2012 has dedicated himself to freelance composing, guest conducting, music juries, and guest lecturing.