【人物】 康謳
康謳,作曲家、音樂教育家;1914 年 3 月出生於福建長汀,2005 年 3 月 23 日逝世於加拿大。曾就讀上海美術專科學校音樂組,主修理論作曲。1949年,舉家遷到臺灣,是為早期臺灣音樂的拓荒者,一生奉獻於音樂教育,撰寫大量的音樂相關書籍,主編《大陸音樂辭典》;他也是位作曲家,有其個人獨特的品味,不喜歡過度華麗的音響,他認為音樂除具娛樂功能外,亦有教化作用,因此創作以平易近人為原則。
KANG Ou was born in Changting, Fujian in 1914. He was a theory and composition major in the music department at Shanghai Arts College. He moved to Taiwan with his family in 1949. He was a pioneer in Taiwan’s early music scene, devoting his life to music education. Kang wrote numerous books on music, and he was the main editor of the “Mainland China Music Dictionary.” He also had his own unique compositional style. He was not fond of excessively decadent music because he believed that aside from serving as entertainment, music should be used to educate people. Kang tried to make music approachable and easily accessible to all people. He died in Canada in 2005.