【人物】 席慕德
席慕德,知名次女高音聲樂藝術家;1938 年 3 月 3 日出生於北平(今北京)。國立臺灣師範大學音樂系、德國慕尼黑音樂學院畢業,旅居歐美演唱近二十年。曾兩度由德國文化機構 - Goethe Institute [歌德學院] 慕尼黑總部選派巡迴東南亞各國,演唱德國藝術歌曲,成為第一位參與此項文化交流工作的非德籍藝術家,所到之處遍獲各大報章樂評讚美。旅美期間在紐約出版個人演唱專輯唱片,並在美,加各城市舉行多場獨唱會,也曾數度應新加坡國家劇院、香港文化局等之邀在當地演唱和舉行德國藝術歌曲講座。席教授文筆流暢、著作多樣,出版品兼容音樂散文、演唱評論與歌譜編選、譯詞等不同取向,提供國內聲樂學子重要參考資料。
HSI, Gomda Phyllis (XI Mu-De) is an internationally renowned mezzo-soprano. She was born in Beijing on March 3, 1938. A graduate of National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei and the Hochschule fuer Musik und Theater Muenchen, Germany, Ms. Hsi has sung professionally throughout Europe and the United States for more than 20 years. And under the sponsorship of the Goethe Institute in Munich (Goethe Institut Muenchen), Ms. Hsi twice toured southeast Asian countries, giving recitals and lecture concerts on German art songs. She was also invited to give recitals by the cultural institutes of Singapore and Hong Kong on many occasions.Besides her teaching and concert activities, Ms. Hsi also writes reviews and articles on music for newspapers and art magazines. Her publications include books on singing and selected German Lieder albums.