【音樂】 玲瓏
玲瓏,本意為玉聲,清越的聲音。常用來形容精靈小巧、玲瓏剔透之物。在班固(東都賦)中可看到「鳳蓋梵麗、合鑾玲瓏」,在李白「玉階怨」也可看到「卻下水晶簾,玲瓏望秋月」等字樣。 此曲在音響上並沒有刻意去表現玲瓏剔透之感,而是將其隱喻為一種入乎其內,出乎其外的探求;一種一塵不染,無矯揉妝束之感的品格;一種空中之音、相中之色、水中之影、鏡中之象的意味;一種物我兩忘、物我合一的境界。 這是一份紛亂中的安祥,繁複中的寧靜和污濁中的冰結。
Ling-Long, originally meant sounds from the jade that echoes crisply, is usually used to describe something petite, delicate and beautiful. In Pan, Ku's "Ode to the Capital of the East Han Dynasty", we can read "Feng I Fan Li, He Luan Ling Long" and in Li, Pai's poem of "Grief at the Stairs of Jade", we can also see "Just after I let down the curtain of crystal-clear jades through Ling-Long (a vast of creamy transparency) I look at the moon feeing grief." No sense of crystal-clearness has been expressed on this piece in terms of the reverberation particularly but with a metaphor incorporated in it that creates a sort of exploration inside and outside and a notion of meticulousness without affectation. It communicates a sound from heaven, an existence on the earth, a shadow inside the water and a reflection from the mirror that combines you and materials and makes forget what are the differences between you and materials. It is a kind of peacefulness in the chaos, solitude in the complication and solidness in the turbidity.