【人物】 莊思遠
莊思遠,法國號演奏家、音樂教育家,堪稱全臺第一位最活躍的法國號演奏家。 1946 年出生於臺南新營,自幼熱愛音樂,原擅長鋼琴、小號演奏,後轉為法國號主修。國立維也納音樂院主修法國號,曾任維也納史大巴克樂團法國號首席、維也納青年愛樂樂團巡迴、國立臺灣交響樂團法國號首席等職務。回臺先後任教於國立臺灣藝術大學音樂系、國立臺北藝術大學音樂系暨管絃擊樂研究所。
Chuang Szu-Yuan, French Horn musician/educator, is effectively the most active French Horn players in Taiwan. Born in 1946 in Xinying, Tainan, Zhuang has loved and learned music since young, being good at piano and trumpet before majoring in French horn at National Vienna Conservatory of Music. He had been lead French horn of a Vienna-based orchestra, on tour with Vienna Youth Philharmonic Orchestra, and lead French horn of National Taiwan Symphony Orchestra. Since coming back to Taiwan, Zhuang has held teaching posts successively at Department of Music, National Taiwan University of Arts and then Music Department and Institute of Orchestral Instruments, National Taipei University of Arts.