【人物】 賴碧霞
賴碧霞,本名賴鸞櫻,客家山歌歌后;1932 年 10 月 31 日生於竹東橫山大山背,2015 年 1 月 18 日病逝於桃園中壢。自小對客家歌曲著迷,決心拜師學藝,先後師事官羅成、賴廷漢、蘇萬松,學習說唱、民謠、勸世文及三腳採茶。青年期受聘於多家廣播電臺,因而蒐集整理不少客家歌謠出版。她將客家山歌融入戲劇中,製作史上第一部客家電影《茶山情歌》。2011 年,獲指定為「重要傳統藝術客家山歌保存者」,致力於客家音樂薪傳工作。2012 年,榮獲第十六屆國家文藝獎之殊榮。
LAI Bi-Xia (a. k. a. LAI Luan-Ying) is a famous singer of Hakka folksongs. She was born in Hsinchu County's Chutung Township in 1932. She was obsessed with Hakka folksongs from an early age and was determined to find a teacher to learn the art form. Lai studied traditional narrative singing (shuochang), folksongs, traditional morality songs and tea-picking songs with Guan Luo-Cheng, Lai Ting-Han and Su Wan-Sung. In her youth, Lai worked at several different radio stations, giving her opportunities to collect an extensive amount of Hakka folksongs to publish. Lai introduced Hakka folksongs into theater and created the first Hakka film — "Tea Mountain Love Song." In 2011, she was recognized by the Ministry of Culture as Important Traditional Art Preserver in Hakka folksong. In June 2012, she was honored by receiving National Award for the Arts by NCAF. She's been intensely devoting herself to disseminating traditional Hakka music.