【人物】 張文聰
張文聰,客家音樂家;1942 年出生於臺中,2011年逝世。客家戲界相當活躍之老生及紅生演員。13歲入宜人京班。青年時期曾擔任李榮興、羅秀鑑、胡延林、周齡崑、陳劍秋等演出關公戲時之馬僮。退伍後,張文聰長期搭演外臺客家戲班,加演京戲時則演出三國戲,近十餘年主搭客家班「新月娥」,並曾於客家戲劇比賽中獲得「最佳花臉獎」與「最佳導演獎」。
ZHANG Wen-Cong was born in Taichung in 1942. He has been very active as an old sheng as well as a red sheng actor in Hakka opera. At the age of 13, he entered the Yi Ren Peking Opera Troupe. As a teenager, Zhang played the role of horse keeper for Li Rong-Xing, Luo Xiu-Jian, Hu Yan-Lin, Zhou Ling-Kun and Chen Jian-Qiu, actors who are all famous Guan Yu actors. After retiring from the army, Zhang often worked in outdoor Hakka opera troupes, and in his spare time he would perform in Peking opera troupes specializing in the Three Kingdoms repertoire. He played mostly in Xin Yue E Hakka Troupe in recent years, and won awards for best face painting and best director in Hakka opera competitions. He passed away in 2011.