【人物】 蘇顯達
蘇顯達,小提琴家、音樂教育家。1957 年出生於臺南善化。留學法國取得巴黎師範音樂學院最高級小提琴及室內樂獨奏家文憑,曾師事小提琴大師謝霖和普雷。蘇顯達1995年獲得「十大傑出青年」獎項。1999年所灌錄的「台灣情‧泰然心─蕭泰然小提琴作品專輯」以及2001年的「古典台灣風情─黃偟小提琴小品精選」CD,分別獲得「最佳古典唱片」與「最佳演奏人」金曲獎。2016年獲有「民間國家文藝獎」之稱的吳三連獎第39屆「藝術獎」之殊榮,為該獎音樂類藝術獎首位得獎的演奏家。蘇顯達自法返國30多年來,投身於音樂教育不遺餘力,同時亦維持活躍的小提琴演奏生涯。現為國立臺北藝術大學音樂學院院長與音樂系專任教授,並擔任台北愛樂管弦樂團樂團首席,而自1996年開始主持台北愛樂電台「迷人的小提琴世界」節目迄今已20多年,深獲聽眾喜愛。
SU Shien-Ta, born in 1957 in Shanhua, Tainan, is a violinist and music educator. Su learned the violin from mastros Henryk Szeryng and Gérard Poulet studied and got his performer diploma for violinists and chamber music soloists from ÉCOLE NORMALE DE MUSIQUE DE PARIS. He received the“Ten Most Distinguished Youth Award” in 1995. In 1999, the album “Tyzen Hsiao’s Violin Works” in which Su performed, received the “Best Classical Record award” at the Golden Melody Awards. In 2002, his album “Classical Taiwan Rhythms” received the “Best Performer” award at the Golden Melody Awards. He received the Wu San Lian Art Award which was the first time this prestigious Art Award being awarded to a performing musician. Su has for long dedicated to musical education while keeping an active performing career. He is currently the Dean of the School of Music of Taipei National University of the Arts, and the concertmaster of the Taipei Philharmonic Orchestra. He started to host a radio program called “The Enchanted World of Violin” as a program presenter since 1996, this program has gained prestige and profound reputation in the past twenty years.