【人物】 蕭慶瑜
蕭慶瑜,1966年出生於臺中市,先後就讀臺中市光復國小、雙十國中與國立師大附中音樂實驗班。1984年進入臺灣師範大學音樂系就讀,主修作曲,1990年獲教育部留法音樂獎學金赴法國深造,進入巴黎師範音樂院,隨日本作曲家平義久(Yoshihisa Taïra, 1937-2005)教授專攻作曲,1993年獲作曲高等文憑。並於1992年考進巴黎高等音樂院「二十世紀音樂風格寫作班」(Ecriture du 20ème Siècle),師事艾荻‧蕾傑(Édith Lejet, 1941-)教授,成為該班第一屆學生,也是第一位以第一大獎畢業的學生。其作品包含鋼琴曲、室內樂、聲樂與管弦樂等各類編制。除了創作,蕭慶瑜也致力於教學和研究,1994年學成歸國後即投入教職,1995年任教於臺北市立大學,2006年到國立臺灣師範大學音樂學系任職至今。在學術研究上,則以近代法國鋼琴音樂為研究領域,陸續發表以拉威爾、薩悌與若利維等人其鋼琴作品為主題之論文,也曾出版專書《梅湘〈二十個對聖嬰耶穌的注視〉之研究》與《法國近代鋼琴音樂:從德布西到杜悌尤》。
HSIAU Ching-yu, born in 1966 in Taichung, went to classes for musical talents at Kuanfu Elementary School, Shuangshi Junior-high School and NTNU affiliated Senior High School. In 1984, Hsiau was admitted to Department of Music, National Taiwan Normal University, majoring in composition. In 1990, Hsiau received Ministry of Education scholarship and went to ÉCOLE NORMALE DE MUSIQUE DE PARIS, studying composition from the Japanese composer Yoshishia Taïra. In 1992, Hsiau was admitted to Ecriture du 20ème Siècle, Conservatoire national supérieur de musique et de danse de Paris, where she learned from Édith Lejet and became the first student to graduate with a grand prize besides being among the first batch of graduates. Her musical works are mainly piano music, chamber music, vocal music and orchestra. Besides musical creation, Hsiau is also dedicated to teaching and research and has been involved in education since coming back to Taiwan in 1994. In 1995 she worked at University of Taipei, and from 2006 onwards she has been teaching at Department of Music, National Taiwan Normal University. Her academic research focuses on French contemporary piano music and has successively published papers on piano works by Joseph-Maurice Ravel, Erik Satie, and André Jolivet, as well as two books: A Study on Messiaen’s “Vingt regards sur l'Enfant-Jésus” and French Contemporary Piano Music: from Debussy to Dutilleux.