【人物】 張大勝
張大勝,指揮家、鋼琴家、作曲家與音樂教育者;1934 年 10 月 7 日出生於南投縣,2015 年 9 月 3 日逝世。畢業於西德國立弗萊堡音樂院、柏林音樂院與西德埃森福克旺音樂院,榮獲西德國家藝術家最高文憑;1967 年獲義大利第四屆國際青年指揮比賽獎。隔年返國任教於各大專音樂科系,並致力經營臺灣樂團,為臺灣音樂教育與指揮教育發展的推手。期間亦活躍於國際舞臺,促進國際文化交流。
CHANG Da-Shen (ZHANG Da-Sheng) was born on Oct. 7, 1934 in Nantou County. He is a renowned conductor, pianist, composer and music educator. Chang graduated from Freiburg Conservatory of Music, the Prussian Academy of Arts and Folkwang University of the Arts, eventually earning the highest academic degree for the arts in Germany. In 1967, he won the 4th International Youth Conductor’s Composition in Italy. Chang was a professor for many years at National Taiwan Normal University’s music department and eventually served as its chair as well as head of the graduate institute of music. Chang also became president of National Taiwan University of Arts and chair of the music department at Chinese Culture University. He works hard at organizing and running various music ensembles in Taiwan and is a monumental figure in developing music education and conducting in Taiwan. He has been very active internationally, making channels and platforms for musicians in Taiwan and those from all over the world.