【人物】 呂文慈
呂文慈,1962年出生於臺北市,6歲開始學習鋼琴, 16 歲學習長笛,1981年進入東吳大學音樂系,主修長笛,副修鋼琴,由於喜好創作的心性,在幾經思考之下,於大二轉主修為作曲,師事潘皇龍教授。在潘教授指導之下,於現代音樂創作的技法與觀念方面,獲得極大的啟發。1989年赴美國求學,進耶魯大學音樂研究所,師從 Jacob Druckman 學習理論與管弦樂法、從 Martin Bresnick 學習作曲、從 Lukas Foss 學習理論、從 Jack Vees 學習電腦音樂。1991 年學成返國之後,即任教於文化大學西樂系至今,除教學之外仍創作不懈。現為亞洲作曲家聯盟臺灣總會理事長、臺灣作曲家協會理事長。作品經常發表於臺灣、大陸、香港、日本、韓國、琉球、泰國、美國、法國、波蘭、瑞典等地,深獲佳評。
Lu Wen-Tze, born in 1962 in Taipei, started learning the piano at 6, the flute at 16, and in 1981 was admitted to Department of Music of Soochow University, majoring in flute and minoring in piano. Due to her creative nature, Lu decided to change her major to composition and learned from Dr. Pan concepts and techniques of modern musical creation. In 1989, Lu went to Yale School of Music to study music theory and orchestration from Jacob Druckman; composition from Martin Bresnick; theory from Lukas Foss; and computer music from Jack Vees. In 1991 she came back to Taiwan, having completed her study, and since then have been teaching at Department of Music of Chinese Cultural University while remaining a diligent composer. Lu currently is the chairperson of ACL Taiwan Chapter and chairperson of Taiwan Composer Association. She has frequently published her musical creations, which are widely acclaimed, in Taiwan, China, Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Okinawa, Thailand, the USA, Poland and Sweden.