【人物】 吳素霞
吳素霞,南管藝師,傳統音樂教育家;1947 年出生於臺南市西區南廠一帶的大勇街,祖父及父親皆為南管音樂名師,受家中薰陶,自幼開始習南管。10 歲學琵琶,16 歲學梨園戲,20 歲之齡擔任臺灣第一位南管館閣女館先生,通達南管各項樂器,專攻唱工、戲劇及南鼓。1988 年,榮獲教育部第四屆民族藝術薪傳獎,長年演出及任教國立臺北藝術大學傳統音樂學系及各研習班,推廣傳統不遺餘力。2010 年,獲選為「重要傳統藝術南管戲曲保存者」。
WU Su-Xia is a famous nanguan musician, educator of traditional music. She was born on Dayong Street, Tainan in 1947. Since both her father and grandfather were famous musician of nanguan music, she studied nanguan at her early age: she studied pipa at six and Liyuan opera at her 16. Later when she was 19, she became the first female nanguan workshop teacher in Taiwan. She plays all instruments in nanguan music, and specializes in vocal, drama and Nan-gu (south drum). She was awarded the 4th National Folk Art Heritage Award in 1988, and was officially recognized as one of the Important Traditional Art Preserver in 2010. For decades, she has been performing in many places, and has taught in traditional music department, Taipei National University of the Arts and other workshops, devoted to promoting and preserving this traditional art.