【人物】 高一生
高一生 (Uyongu Yatauyungana),原住民音樂家;1908 年出生於嘉義阿里山,1954 年逝世於臺北。鄒族民族自治運動提倡者、歌謠創作者及詩人,以其鄒族傳統和日本師範教育接觸的西方哲學思想為背景,創作屬於臺灣山林土地之歌。在學期間開始接觸到西式現代音樂教育,非常喜歡彈奏鋼琴,爾後回到阿里山任教,創作數首歌曲教授學生歌唱。臺灣光復後,積極地推動高山民族自治;1954 年,因白色恐怖遭到處決。
GAO Yi-Sheng (Uyongu Yatauyungana) was born in Chiayi in 1908. He was a major advocate for the Tsou Aboriginal movement, and was also a renowned songwriter and poet. He combined traditional Tsou culture with the Western philosophical thought he learned from his Japanese education. He wrote songs that were uniquely Taiwanese, usually about nature, including the mountains and the forests. As a student, he had a modern Western music education. Gao enjoyed playing piano. He taught in Alishan and wrote many songs to teach to his students. After the Chinese Nationalist Party took over Taiwan, he became a major advocate for the Aboriginal autonomy movement. Due to the Second White Terror of the 1950s, he was sentenced to the death penalty and executed in 1954.