【人物】 蕭而化
蕭而化,作曲家、音樂教育家;1906 年 6 月 29 日江西萍鄉,1985 年 12 月 21 日逝世於美國洛杉磯。從小喜歡作畫,也頗有興致地自學各種樂器,包括琵琶、南胡、月琴、三弦以及簫、笛等。曾擔任《音樂教育》月刊主編,對於之後音樂教育影響甚鉅,並創立國立臺灣師範大學音樂系,播下了本土音樂人才的種子;而他的《現代音樂》一書,也是臺灣音樂史上最早的「現代音樂理論專書」。
XIAO Er-Hua was born in Pingxiang, Jiangxi in 1906. He enjoyed painting from an early age and was interested in learning a variety of musical instruments, including the pi’pa, yueqin, sanxian, xiao and dizi. He was the chief editor of the monthly periodical “Music Education.” Xiao contributed quite a lot to music education in Taiwan. He established National Taiwan Normal University’s Music Department, setting the groundwork to nurture and train musicians in Taiwan. His book, “Modern Music,” was the first book published in Taiwan about modern music theory. Xiao died in 1985.