【人物】 戴粹倫
戴粹倫,小提琴家、管絃指揮家;1912 年 8 月 18 日出生於上海,1981 年 9 月 29 日逝世於美國。受到父親戴逸青的影響,戴粹倫自幼就顯出音樂天份,11歲由吳蔭秋啟蒙學習小提琴,並考取上海國立音樂院主修小提琴,畢業後隔年留學維也納音樂學院。1937年回國後,積極到世界各地進行演出,有「提琴聖手」的稱呼;1949年至1972年間,擔任國立臺灣師範大學音樂系主任,培育出無數的音樂專才。
DAI Cui-Lun was born in Shanghai in 1912. He was influenced by his father, Dai Yi-Qing, a talented musician, and showed obvious musical talent from a very early age. At the age of 11, he started studying violin with Wu Yin-Qiu. Not long after that, he was accepted into the Shanghai National Training School of Music, where he majored in violin performance. After graduating he went to study abroad at the Vienna Conservatory. Dai returned to China in 1937 and began performing all over the world. People soon started calling him “the sacred violinist.” From 1949 to 1972, he served as director of the Music Department at National Taiwan Normal University, training countless musicians in Taiwan. He passed away in California in 1981.