【人物】 廖年賦
廖年賦(1932生),指揮家、音樂教育家、作曲家、音樂作家。出生於臺北州海山郡土城庄柑林埤(今新北市土城區)。先後畢業於板橋初中、省立臺北師範學校(今國立臺北教育大學)音樂師範科,並於1976年至維也納考察,以旁聽生身分進入國立維也納音樂院,從歐斯特萊赫(Karl Österreicher)學習指揮;再於1991年取得紐約市立大學布魯克林學院音樂碩士學位。1968年,創辦「世紀學生管絃樂團」,並於1975年演出全齣普契尼歌劇《托斯卡》,不僅是在臺灣首演,更是臺灣第一次以管弦樂伴奏的全齣大型歌劇演出。2009年,榮獲國家文藝獎,是首位榮獲此獎的指揮家。代表作品有管絃樂曲《中國組曲》(1965)、為絃樂及國樂器合奏曲《法雨鼓韻》(1979)、木管四重奏《恆春素描》(1983)。
LIAO, Nian-Fu (born 1932) is a conductor, music educator, composer and writer. He was born in New Taipei City, Taiwan. He graduated from Panchiao Junior High School and the National Taipei Teachers College of Arts (present day the National Taipei University of Education). He went to the University of Music and Performing Arts in Vienna(Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien) and took conducting classes from Karl Österreicher. In 1991, Liao received a Master's degree in music from Brooklyn College at the City University of New York. In 1968, he established the Taipei Century Symphony Orchestra and performed the Taiwanese premiere of Puccini’s opera, Tosca in 1975. This was the first time that a Taiwanese symphony accompanied a full-scale production of an opera in Taiwan. In 2009, Liao was the first conductor to be awarded the National Cultural and Arts Award. Liao’s main compositions include the Chinese Suite for orchestra (1965), the Fa Yu Ku Yun for string orchestra and percussion(1979) and Hengchun Sketches for woodwind quartet(1983).