【人物】 蔡添木
蔡添木,南管音樂家;1913 年 7 月 7 日出生於臺北,2012 年逝世。童年時因為家裡常請南管來表演,耳濡目染,十一歲開始跟隨潘訓、潘榮枝父子學習南管音樂,對於琵琶、三絃、洞簫、二絃無不擅長,參加過臺灣地區多數的南管社團、與多數職業的南管戲班後場,曾榮獲教育部民族藝術薪傳獎。
CAI Tian-Mu was born in Taipei in 1913. His family would often invite nanguan ensembles to play in their home when he was a child, so he often listened to the performances and started learning the art form at the age of 11 with father and son, Pan Xun and Pan Rong-Zhi. He mastered the pi’pa, sanxian, dongxiao flute, and the nanguan erhu. Cai Tian-Mu played with several different nanguan ensembles, and worked professionally in various troupes. He was awarded the Ministry of Education’s National Arts Award. He passed away in 2012.