【人物】 施德玉
施德玉,臺灣重要的戲曲音樂研究學者、國樂教育者、臺灣音樂研究保存推廣者。 1959 年出生於屏東,國中起學習國樂,奠定她兼具彈奏與之後學理論述之深厚基礎。藝術行政閱歷完備,兼具執行兩岸藝術文化交流的豐碩經驗,為提高臺灣大學生藝術文化涵養與交流的重要推手。
SHIH Te-Yu, born in 1959 in Pingtung, is an important scholar/researcher of Chinese opera, educator of Chinese traditional music and researcher/conserver/promoter of Taiwanese music. Shih began to learn Chinese traditional music at junior-high school, thus laying a solid foundation for her career as both a performer and an academien. Shih has had comprehensive experiences in art management, specially in promoting arts and cultural exchanges between Taiwan and China, making her an important contributor to promoting the artistic and cultural literacy of college students and related exchanges in Taiwan.