【音樂】 西秦王爺
西秦王爺,又稱「郎君爺」,被尊稱為戲曲的祖師爺,與「田都元帥」 同為戲曲之守護神。西秦王爺即唐玄宗,在其執政的三十年間,政治修明,史稱「開元之治」。昇平日久,玄宗皇帝醉心歌舞樂曲,在後宮建造戲台,網羅天下精英作曲排演,盛極一時。唐玄宗因而被戲曲界尊稱為開山祖師。晚年因寵愛楊貴妃,沉溺歌舞,荒廢國事,終至安祿山叛亂,國都長安淪陷,唐玄宗西奔四川並傳位給太子,於西蜀地區度過晚年,所以被稱為「西秦王爺」。 本曲取材自戲曲音樂,因此以戲曲之神「西秦王爺」為名。作曲者謹此曲獻給其二胡老師林昱廷先生以及作曲老師洪崇焜先生。(本曲榮獲文建會23年民族音樂創作獎,協奏曲組第一名。)
Lord Xiqin, known also as "Husband Master" is considered the grandmaster of Chinese opera and revered as a patron saint of the art form along with "General Tiendu." Lord Xiqin is in fact Emperor Xuan Zong of the Tang Dynasty, whose administration for thirty years was liberal yet orderly, and historically renowned as the "Enlightened Reign." Because of the peaceful times. Xuan Zong was able to pursue his love of music and dances, building a stage in the palace and summoning all the best composers to put on performances. It was the height of opera in ancient China, and Xuan Zong became revered as its creator. Eater, he grew besotted with his concubine Yang Yu Huan and indulged too much in opera performances to govern the state properly, allowing rebels to eventually take over the capital Changan. Xuan Zong escaped to Sichuan, abdicating the throne to his son and spent the rest of his days in that area of Western China, hence the title "Lord Xiqin." This piece is named after the God of Theater, "Lord Xiqin," as it uses materials from traditional opera music. The composer would like to dedicate this piece to her erhu tutor Yu-Ting Lin and composition tutor Chong-Kun Hong. (This piece won First Prize in the Erhu Concerto category at the 23 Council of Cultural Affairs Traditional Music Composition Contest.)