【人物】 楊兆禎
楊兆禎,民族音樂學家、音樂教育家、聲樂家、作曲家;1929 年 7 月 2 日出生於新竹芎林,2004 年 12 月 10 日逝世於南投埔里。畢生致力於歌曲創作、音樂教育與客家民謠推廣,完成臺灣本土第一本客家民謠學術論文。不僅是第一位將創作教學法引進國內之人,也是臺灣第一位將客家山歌納入音樂會的音樂家。1992 年,於當時國立新竹師範學院創辦音樂系。曾獲客家文化傑出貢獻獎與「新竹之光──終身成就獎」等獎項。
YANG Zhao-Zhen was an ethnomusicologist, music educator, vocal performer and composer. He was born in Hsinchu County's Qionglin Township on July 2, 1929 and died in Nantou County's Puli Township on Dec. 10, 2004. In 1992, he established the music department at National Hsinchu University of Education. Yang spent his entire life writing songs, teaching music and promoting Hakka folksongs. He completed Taiwan's first scholarly book on Hakka folksongs. Yang was the first music educator to use creative teaching methods in Taiwan and the first musician to include Hakka folksongs in formal concert repertoire. He received the award for Outstanding Contribution to Hakka Culture and the "Light of Hsinchu — Lifetime Achievement Award."