【人物】 林水金
林水金,北管藝師;1918 年出生於臺中,2013 年逝世。平生所習得的戲曲、牌子、細曲相當多,在臺中各館進行北管音樂薪傳之工作,對臺灣北管音樂的延續有很大的影響,並於1991年榮獲教育部第七屆國家民族藝術薪傳獎殊榮。林水金一直任職於政府機構,他的公務員經歷可稱臺灣傳統音樂界所絕無僅有的。
LIN Shui-Jin was born in Taichung in 1918. He is a beiguan master. He was versed in a variety of traditional opera forms and styles. He taught beiguan music in nearly all of Taichung’s beiguan ensembles, making him highly influential person in the passing on the traditions of beiguan. In 1991, he was awarded the Special Honors Award at the 7th National Art Education Awards. Lin was a public servant in the government, working for a government agency his entire life, making him one Taiwan’s rarest types of public servant in the realm of traditional music. He passed away in 2013.