【人物】 陳達
陳達,福佬民歌手、說唱藝人;1906 年 5 月 12 日出生於屏東恆春,1981 年 4 月 11 日逝世於屏東。具有四分之一原住民血統的陳達,透過傳承學會演唱平埔族歌謠,並以口傳方式從哥哥及其他演唱者的身上學習到恆春民謠,擅長編詞,演唱內容有長篇敘事題材和短篇即興之作,包含感謝、愛情、勸世等,以節奏自由,似吟似唱的方式進行,因此也被譽為「未經人工改造的遊唱詩人」、「臺灣民間音樂寶石」。
CHEN Da was born in Hengchun, Pingtung in 1906. He was one-fourth aboriginal. He learned traditional songs of the Hengchun region from his older brother and other local musicians. He was good at arranging lyrics. He sang long, narrative-style songs and also shorter improvised songs, including songs about gratitude and love, as well as songs of encouragement. He also used free open-form rhythms and tempos, singing in a chanting, almost recitative style. He has been given the epithets, “the self-made bard” and “the gem of Taiwan folk music.” Chen died in 1981.