【人物】 李淑德
李淑德,小提琴家、音樂教育家;1929 年 9 月 15 日出生於屏東萬丹。由於父母親的影響,他從小就接受音樂的薰陶。1948年,李淑德考入臺灣省立師範學院藝術系,而後轉讀音樂系,跟隨戴粹倫學小提琴。1957年,赴美國進修;1964年,回到臺灣,先後任教於臺南神學院及師大音樂系。他三十多年的教學生涯,出自她門下的學生,不可計數。有「臺灣小提琴之母」之稱,臺灣絃樂教育的拓荒者,培育出許多國際知名的音樂家,更帶動弦樂教育達全面性提升的局面。
LI Shu-De was born in Wandan, Pingtung in 1929. Her parents exposed her to music from a very early age. In 1948, she was accepted into the Art Department at National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU), but she eventually switched her major to music. Li studied violin with Dai Cui-Lun. In 1957, she went to study in the US and returned to Taiwan in 1964. Li taught at Tainan Theological College Seminary and NTNU’s Music Department. She taught innumerable pupils during the more than three decades that she served as a teacher. Li is often called “the Taiwanese mother of violin.” When it comes to string music, she was a trailblazer and she trained numerous musicians who are now known internationally. Li revamped string pedagogy in Taiwan.