【人物】 李泰祥
李泰祥,作曲家、通俗歌曲作曲家;1941 年 2 月 20 日出生於臺東馬蘭,2014 年 1 月 2 日逝世於新店。就讀國小時,透過林福裕老師體認到音樂魅力。初中時期與陳港清老師接觸,使得小提琴琴藝突飛猛進。1956年,進入國立藝術學校美術印刷科就讀,之後轉入音樂科主修小提琴,其後許常惠成為他的精神導師,改變了他的一生。畢業後曾在臺東教書五年,而後再度回到臺北發展。曾榮獲吳三連藝術獎、及以《名劍風流》抱走一座最佳原作音樂金馬獎。
LI Tai-Xiang was born in Malan, Taitung in 1941. He was mesmerized by the music played by his elementary school teacher, Lin Fu-Yu. In junior high school, he met a teacher named Chen Gang-Qing, who quickly fostered Li’s violin talents. In 1956, Li began his studies at National Taiwan University of Arts as a fine arts printing major. He eventually transferred to the music department and became a violin major. Hsu Tsang-Houei became his spiritual guru and changed his entire life. He taught in his hometown of Taitung for five years after graduating, and then went back to Taipei to develop his career. He was awarded a Wu San-Lien Award, as well as a Golden Horse Award for Best Original Film Song for “The Sword of Romance.” He died in Xindian on Jan. 2, 2014.