【人物】 黃友棣
黃友棣,作曲家;1912 年 1 月 14 日出生於廣東高要,2010 年逝世於高雄。因小學的音樂課都以演唱「學堂樂歌」為主,加上模仿老師上課時彈奏風琴,使他對於音樂上有著濃厚的興趣。抗戰期間,他以「音樂救國」的理念之下,做出許多應急的歌曲,包含《歸不得故鄉》、《杜鵑花》、《月光曲》等。1987年,移居於高雄,熱心協助當地的音樂發展,為高雄寫作了《木棉花之歌》、《詩畫港都》、《愛河月色》等。
HWANG Yau-Tai (HUANG You-Di) was born in Gaoyao, Guangdong in 1912. He is a composer. In elementary school, Hwang’s teacher sang mostly early 20th century school songs in music class. By imitating his teacher’s organ playing, he was instilled with an avid interest in music. During the Second Sino-Japanese War (1937-1945), he believed that music could save the nation and wrote numerous songs for that cause, including “Can’t Return Home,” “Azalea” and “Moonlight Music.” Hwang moved to Kaohsiung in 1987 and devoted himself to developing music there. While there, he wrote “Silk Cotton Song,” “Poem, Painting, Harbor City” and “Moonlit Love River” for Kaohsiung. He died of organ failure in Kaohsiung in 2010.