【人物】 申學庸
申學庸,聲樂家、音樂教育家;1929 年 11 月 5 日出生於四川江安。曾就讀重慶師範學院,與楊樹聲學習聲樂。抗戰勝利後,進入成都藝專音樂科就讀,之後申學庸隨丈夫郭錚一起到日本,進入東京藝術大學學習聲樂,及拜義大利名聲樂家狄娜‧諾泰賈珂瑪夫人(Mme. Dina Notargiacomo)為師,並隨老師至義大利深造。回到臺灣後,獻身於樂教;1962年,奉命成立了「中國文化學院」的音樂系。曾獲頒國家文藝獎之特別貢獻獎。
SHEN Xue-Yong was born in Jiang’an Sichuan in 1929. She attended Chongqing Normal University, where she studied singing with Yang Shu-Sheng. After the Second Sino-Japan War, she was accepted into the music department at Chengdu Arts College. Eventually she moved to Japan with her husband Guo Zheng, studying voice with renowned Italian vocalist Mme. Dina Notargiacomo at Tokyo University of the Arts. Shen then went to Italy with her teacher to continue her studies. She established the Music Department at Chinese Culture University in 1962. After returning to Taipei, she dedicated her life to music education. Shen was awarded the National Award for Arts’ Special Contribution Award.