【人物】 郭子究
郭子究,作曲家;1919 年 9 月 17 日出生於屏東新園, 1999 年 5 月 15 日逝世於花蓮。從小出入教會、接受聖試和教會音樂的薰陶,憑藉對音樂的熱愛,無師自通地學會黑管及小喇叭等樂器。22歲時便晉升為樂師,參加日本政府舉辦的「新臺灣音樂講習會」,獲得認證成為正式的音樂老師。1942年,在東港開辦了「星光新劇團」,招收社會人士教授音樂概論、樂器教學等;同年到花蓮任教,直至逝世。
KUO Tzu-Chiu was born in Sinyuan, Pingtung in 1919. He grew up with close affiliations to the Christian church, which is where he was exposed to church music. With an avid interest in music, he taught himself to play the clarinet and trumpet. He became a professional musician at the age of 22, traveling to Japan to compete in the imperial “New Taiwan Music School,” where he was certified to be a formal music educator. Guo formed the Shin Guang New Opera Troupe in Tungkang in 1942, teaching music and how to play musical instruments to common people. That same year he started teaching in Hualien County. Guo died in Hualien in 1999.