【音樂】 秋風秋雨秋煞人
革命女詩人秋瑾(1875-197)因策動起義事敗而被攔,被處決訂寫下七字絕命詞:秋雨秋風愁煞人這句話被分為三段並作為三個不同樂章的主題:Ⅰ.秋雨 Ⅱ.秋風 Ⅲ.秋心,作曲家也正是從這三個角度去領悟並表現「愁」。
Qiu Jin(1875-197), a woman poet and a revolutionary, was arrested and executed before a plan of uprising was carried out. She wrote down the following line before she died:the autumn rain and wind agonize me so muchThe line was divided into three segments as the titles of different movements: Ⅰ. "Autumn Rain" Ⅱ. "Autumn Wind" Ⅲ. "Autumn Heart" . The composer also employs these three aspects as dimensions to perceive and render "Agony" in his own senses.
Ⅰ. "Autumn Rain" -zhong yin suona (alto suona) with mixed ensemble
Ⅱ. "Autumn Wind" -san xian with mixed ensemble
Ⅲ. "Autumn Heart" -gao yin suona ("soprano" suona) and san xian with mixed ensemble. The movement was named after the fifth words “愁” from the line. Terminologically, the Chinese word “愁” (agony) is constructed by two characters, "Autumm" (秋)and "Heart" (心). Elements of Cantonese Taoism ritual music has been utilized throughout the movement depicting the anguish of a heart. Sectional improvisation involved in this movement allows the soloists a greater freedom on disclosing their intrinsic musical ideas.
Ⅳ. "Postlude" -an improvisational movement for guan and san xian. The soloists are required to develop from the written beginning upon their perception on agony and further unfolding their sensations derived from previous movements.