【人物】 劉岠渭
劉岠渭,音樂學家。1947 年出生於臺中市。1983 年取得國立維也納大學音樂學博士返臺後,長期投入西洋音樂史教學研究與推廣工作,並且成為臺灣主講古典音樂欣賞導聆講座第一人,影響力既深且遠。曾與諸多單位合作推廣古典音樂,現任樂賞音樂教育基金會音樂總監,古典音樂推廣觸角已延伸至臺灣與中國沿海重要城市。
LIU Jiu-Wei, born in 1947 in Taichung, is a musicologist. In 1983, Lu came back to Taiwan with a PhD in Musicology from National Vienna University, and since then has been involved in education, research and promotion in relation to history of western music. As the first scholar in Taiwan to give lectures on the appreciation of classical music, Liu’s influence is both profound and long-lasting. Liu had worked with various agencies in promoting classical music and currently serves as Music Director of the Poco A Poco Music Education Foundation, reaching out to promote classical music in major cities in Taiwan and coastal China.