【人物】 楊秀卿
楊秀卿,說唱藝人;1934 年出生於臺北,是目前碩果僅存的臺灣唸歌專業藝人,口白歌仔的開創及推廣者。4 歲時因感冒延誤就醫,雙目失明,由養姊蕭金鳳傳授他唸歌技藝與月琴彈奏。1956年,與楊再興結婚,夫妻倆一起跑江湖,精湛的說唱技藝豐富了唸歌的音樂史,對於傳統曲藝的傳承與保存有很大的影響。
YANG Xiu-Qing was born in Taipei in 1934. She is a major proponent of Taiwanese gezaixi’s narrator art form, and currently one of the last surviving professional Taiwanese ballad singers. She went blind at the age of four due to an untreated cold. Her older adopted sister, Xiao Jin-Feng, taught her the art of singing traditional ballads and how to play the yueqin (moon guitar). She married Yang Zai-Xing in 1956. The two of them travelled all over Taiwan, enriching the history of ballad singing in Taiwan. Yang has been very important in preserving and passing on the art of ballad singing to future generations.