【人物】 王宋來
王宋來,北管藝師;1910 年出生於臺北艋舺,2000 年逝世。從小在「雅頌閣」學習細曲,各件樂器也會演奏,例如琵琶、二絃、三絃、洋琴等,並且會自彈自唱,堪稱是全能音樂家,並且在國立臺北藝術大學傳統音樂學系北管組任教,進行北管傳藝。1992年獲教育部頒贈民族藝術薪傳獎北管項目。
WANG Song-Lai was born in Bangka, Taipei in 1910. He is a beiguan master. He studied traditional opera music from a very early age at Ya Song Ge, and learned how to play just about any instrument, including pi’pa, erxian, sanxian, and the yangqin dulcimer. He could also play and sing by himself, making him a one-man band. Wang also taught in the Department of Traditional Music’s beiguan division at Taipei National University of the Arts. He was awarded the National Art Education Award for beiguan in 1992. After his wife passed, Wang became ill and died in 2000.