【人物】 許常惠
許常惠,作曲家、音樂學家;1929 年出生於彰化和美,2001 年逝世於臺北。10歲時赴日本,隨交響樂團小提琴手松田三郎習小提琴,開始接觸西洋古典音樂,返臺後曾追隨戴粹倫等人習小提琴,隨蕭而化、張錦鴻學理論作曲,1954年到法國深造,受夏野與岳禮影響深遠,開始從事中國音樂史的研究,有「臺灣音樂教父」之稱,是現代音樂創作的先驅,也是民族音樂採集的領航人,是當代臺灣最有影響力的音樂家之一。
HSU Tsang-Houei (XU Chang-Hui) was born in Hemei, Changhua in 1929. He went to Japan at the age of 10 and studied violin with Shouta Saburo, which was the beginning of his exposure to Western classical music. After returning to Taiwan, Hsu studied violin with Dai Cui-Lun, and music theory and composition with Xiao Er-Hua and Zhang Jin-Hong. He went to France in 1954 to further his studies. Xia Ye and Yue Li both had a major impact on Hsu’s life, and he started researching Chinese music history because of them. Hsu is often called “the Godfather of Taiwanese music.” He was a vanguard of modern music in Taiwan and also one of the leading proponents of ethnomusicological fieldwork. Hsu is considered to be one of Taiwan’s most influential musicians. He died in Taipei in 2001.