【人物】 蕭滋
蕭滋,鋼琴家、管絃指揮家、作曲家;1902 年 10 月 2 日出生於奧地利史迪爾,1986 年 10 月 11 日逝世於臺北。從小在哥哥漢滋的琴韻聲中長成。十九歲開始隨知名鋼琴家沃賀爾學琴。同年考上薩爾茲堡莫札特音樂院,師事佩狄瑞克,之後兄弟倆專心研究莫札特,出版第一本具權威的莫札特鋼琴曲版本,開啟原典版樂譜出版先河。第二次世界大戰爆發後,他逃往美國,歸化美國籍。1963年,蕭茲接到國務院通知,到臺灣擔任交換教授之文化特使,作育無數英才。
Robert SCHOLZ (XIAO Zi) was born in Steyr, Austria in 1902. He grew up surrounded with the piano playing of his older brother Heinz from an early age. He began studying with world-renowned pianist Friedrich Wührer at the age of 19. That same year he was also accepted into the Mozarteum University of Salzburg in Austria, where he studied piano. He and his brother Heinz devoted themselves to researching and studying Mozart, and they eventually published the first authoritative collection of Mozart’s works for piano. He immigrated to the US in 1938 at the outbreak of World War II, and eventually became a naturalized citizen. In 1963, the US State Department invited him to teach in Taiwan as part of a scholarly exchange program. He taught numerous students and conducted a number of orchestras during the more than two decades that he lived in Taiwan. He died in Taipei in 1986.