【人物】 古禮達
古禮達,客家音樂家;1920 年出生於桃園。現存年歲最高、資深的臺灣四平戲藝人,曾加入「小美園」,負責飾演關公,在唱唸做打的豐厚功夫及敬業執著的個性下,呈現了精采絕倫的演技,讓小美園的關公盛名遠播。長期活躍於北臺灣之四平戲與客家戲班,曾為桃園縣文化局及傳藝中心籌備處相關四平戲保存計畫,錄製多齣臺灣四平戲代表劇目,1993年曾獲得最佳淨腳獎。
GU Li-Da was born in Taoyuan in 1920. He is the oldest and most notable performer of Siping opera still alive in Taiwan. Gu joined the Xiao Mei Yuan Troupe and was in charge of playing the Guan Yu role. Being exceptionally business-minded and having mastered every aspect of traditional opera, Gu was peerless in his brilliance and made a name for Xiao Mei Yuan’s Guan Yu role. Being active in northern Taiwan’s Siping opera and Hakka opera circles for so long, Gu was invited to participate in Taoyuan County’s Bureau of Culture project for the preservation of Siping opera, recording a vast collection of the Siping operatic repertoire. In 1993, Gu won the “Best Jing Jiao Award.”