【人物】 杜黑
杜黑,合唱指揮家;1944 年出生於四川成都。美國伊利諾大學合唱指揮碩士班畢業並進入博士班,1981年返國,1983年接任臺北愛樂合唱團指揮。1988年創「財團法人臺北愛樂文教基金會」,對合唱音樂推廣、國際交流、培養優秀音樂人才不遺餘力。現任財團法人臺北愛樂文教基金會、臺北愛樂合唱團、室內合唱團、青年管弦樂團、愛樂劇工廠及歌劇坊藝術總監,1997年第一屆國家文藝獎音樂類得主。
DU Hei was born in Chengdu, Sichuan in 1944. He returned to Taiwan in 1981, after earning a master’s in choral conducting from Illinois University and becaming a doctoral student. In 1983, Du became principal conductor for the Taipei Philharmonic Choir. He established the Taipei Philharmonic Choir Culture and Education Foundation in 1988. Du has spared no efforts in promoting choral music in Taiwan, international exchanges and training talented musicians in Taiwan. He is currently president of the Taipei Philharmonic Choir Culture and Education Foundation, and artistic director of the Taipei Philharmonic Choir, the Chamber Choir, the Youth Symphony Orchestra and the Philharmonic Theater Factory and Opera Arts, as well as a recipient of the first National Award for Arts.