【人物】 樊曼儂
樊曼儂,身兼長笛演奏家、音樂教育家、製作人、藝術經紀人多重身份。1946 年生於中國重慶。演奏生涯跨足古典音樂與流行樂界,除了樂團、大專院校的演出與教學工作,她同時也是電影金馬獎主題曲《金馬奔騰》創作人、吹笛人室內樂團創立者、國際新象文教基金會創立者之一暨藝術總監等,為臺灣音樂界重要製作人與文化推手之一。
FAN Man-Nung is a flutist, music educator, producer, and art agent. Born in 1945 in Chongching, China, Fan as a performing artist has a career straddling classical and pop music. Besides performing with musical groups and teaching for tertiary education, she was also composer of the theme for the Golden Horse Film Awards, founder of Jouer de Flute Ensemble, and co-founder cum Art Director of New Aspect Foundation, making her a key figure in producing and promoting art and cultural programs in Taiwan’s music community.