【人物】 張福興
張福興,民族音樂學家;1888 年 2 月 1 日出生於苗栗頭份,1954 年 3 月 5 日逝世於臺北。五歲時無師自通,學會以胡琴自娛,曾公費留學日本,學習西洋音樂,學成歸國之後,致力於音樂教育的傳播、推廣,並採集民謠、跨足流行音樂的製作,重要作品有《水社化番的杵音與歌謠》是本省最早一篇土著族音樂的田野採譜,及《女告狀》,對於漢族音樂推廣與傳承,功不可沒。有「臺灣近代第一位音樂家」美譽。
ZHANG Fu-Xing was born in Toufen, Miaoli in 1888. He taught himself to play the erhu (Chinese fiddle) at the age of five. He received a scholarship from the government to study Western classical music in Japan. After returning to Taiwan, he devoted the rest of his life to music education. Zhang also collected folk songs and produced popular music. One of his most important works include a collection of several dozen Aboriginal songs called “Traditional Songs and Pestle Songs of the Thao at Sun Moon Lake,” which was published in 1922. It was the first time Aboriginal music in Taiwan was recorded using transcriptions from fieldwork. His other major work was a collection that used both gongche notation and the staff of Western musical notation for various versions of a folk tune popular at the time called “A Sing-Song Girl’s Story.” Zhang’s achievements in promoting Chinese music are incomparable. He has been called “the first Taiwanese musician of the modern era.” Zhang died in Taipei in 1954.