【人物】 葉綠娜
葉綠娜,身兼鋼琴演奏家、音樂教育家、樂評人、電臺主持人多重身份。1955 年出生於高雄縣,曾隨吳漪曼、蕭滋與吳季札等鋼琴名家習琴。1971 年資賦優異兒童留學奧地利薩爾斯堡音樂學院,取得鋼琴演奏藝術演奏家文憑,並於漢諾威音樂學院、美國茱莉亞音樂學院進修。1979 年與德籍夫婿魏樂富開啟幸福婚姻,成為默契絕佳的雙鋼琴演奏搭檔,擁有輝煌的演出與錄音獲獎記錄。
YEH Lina, pianist, born in 1955 in Kaohsiung, is a music educator, music critic, and radio program host. Yeh learned the piano from renowned musicians like Wu Eman, Robert Scholz, Hsiao Zi, and Francis Wu. In 1971, Yeh was admitted to Mozarteum Salzburg in Austria due to her music talent, got her piano performer diploma, and then went onward to study at Hannover Musikhochschule in Germany and The Juilliard School in the USA. In 1979, she was married to Rolf-Peter Wille, and since then the couple has became the perfect duet for double piano performances with glorious track records of musical concerts and award-winning recordings.