【人物】 饒大鷗
饒大鷗,低音提琴演奏家、音樂教育。1950年出生於香港九龍 。曾任臺北市立交響樂團、臺灣省(現為國)低音提琴手。1983年獲教育部公費留學獎助金赴法就讀巴黎師範音樂院, 1985年即畢業返國服務年即畢業返國服務於國立藝術學院(現為臺北大)音樂系。1988 年中華民國低音提琴家聯盟創立人之一。
JAO Ta-Ou, born in 1950 in Kowloon, Hong Kong, is a cellist and music educator. Ro had worked with Taipei Symphony Orchestra and Taiwan Symphony Orchestra. In 1983, he received scholarship from Ministry of Education to study at ÉCOLE NORMALE DE MUSIQUE DE PARIS. Upon graduation in 1985, Rao came back to Taiwan and began to work at Department of Music, National Taipei University of Arts, and in 1988 co-founded the ROC Cellist Alliance.