【人物】 張昊
張昊(1913-2003),漢學家、作曲家,亦擅音樂分析與美學、指揮。他生於中國湖南省長沙縣大賢都(今長沙縣北山鎮),畢業於國立音樂專科學校(今上海音樂學院)、巴黎音樂院,1968年獲義大利拿坡里大學東方學院(Istituto Universitario Orientale di Napoli,今L'Università degli Studi di Napoli L'Orientale)博士學位,曾於德國、義大利等地大學任教。1980年代來臺,受邀專任於陽明山上的中國文化大學,並定居於臺北。他曾獲義大利、臺灣等地徵曲獎項及「二十世紀華人經典音樂作品」、中山學術基金會文藝創作獎。重要作品有交響詩《大理石花》(1984)、《華岡春曉》(1988)、《東海漁帆》(1988);《陽明交響曲》(2001)等。
CHANG, Hao (1913-2003) was a sinologist, composer and conductor who also specialized in analyzing music in its aesthetics. He was born in Changsha, Hunan Province in China and graduated from Shanghai National Training School of Music (the present-day Shanghai Conservatory of Music) and Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique de Paris. In 1968, Chang was awarded a doctoral degree from L’instituto Universitario Orientale di Napoli (the present-day Università degli Studi di Napoli L'Orientale). Chang has taught in universities in Germany and Italy, and came to Taiwan in 1980 and taught at the Chinese Culture University. He received awards for his “Twentieth Century Chinese Classic Music Composition” in Italy and Taiwan and the Sun Yat-sen Culture and Arts Music Composition Award. His key works include the symphonic poem, Fleure de Marbre (Marble Flower, 1984), Spring Dawn at Flormont (1988), Fisher Sail at the Eastern Sea (1988) and Yangming Symphony (2001).