【人物】 張邦彥
張邦彥(1935-2016),作曲家、音樂作家、音樂教育者。出生於臺北州基隆郡瑞芳庄(今新北市瑞芳區),省立臺北師範學校(今國立臺北教育大學)畢業、日本東京洗足學園音樂大學學士 ,以及美國紐約市立大學布魯克林學院音樂碩士。曾任教於陽明國校、北師附小、文苑國小、介壽國中,後專任於中國文化學院音樂系、國立臺灣藝術專科學校。1962年,張邦彥與許博允、李如璋、陳振煌、陳茂萱、梁銘越和丘延亮等人組織「江浪樂集」,並舉辦作品發表會;1972至1984年擔任《全音音樂文摘》發行人兼主編,翻譯、撰寫音樂文章一百多篇。多首作品專為傳統樂器而寫,代表作有管絃樂序曲《屈原》(1978)、琵琶與管絃樂《秋閨怨》(1982)、古箏曲《秋之旅I》(1986)、絃樂合奏與打擊樂《臉譜》(1987)、交響詩《大音希聲》(2005) 等。
CHANG Pang-Yen (1935-2016) was a composer and music educator. He was born in New Taipei City, Taiwan. He graduated from the National Taipei Teachers College of Arts (present day the National Taipei University of Education) and received his Bachelor's degree from Tokyo's Senzoku Gakuen College of Music and a Master's degree from Brooklyn College at the City University of New York. He taught at Yang Ming Elementary School, the Affiliated Experimental Elementary School of the University of Taipei, Wenyuan Elementary School and Jieshou Middle School. He later taught in the music department of the Chinese Culture University and the National Taiwan University of Arts. In 1964, Chang, along with Bo-Yun Hsu, Ru-Chang Lee, Jen-Huang Chen, Mao-Shuen Chen, Ming-Yue Liang and Yan-Liang Chiu established the "Jiang Lang Music Group" and produced new music compositions. From 1972 to 1984, he was the chief editor and translator of The Music Digest in Taiwan, for which he also wrote hundreds of articles. Chang’s compositions include pieces that combine traditional Chinese instruments with Western instruments. Main compositions include the orchestral overture, Qu Yuan (1978), Autumn Grievance for pipa and orchestra (1982), Journey in Autumn I for zither (1986), Facial Mask for strings and percussions (1987) and the symphonic poem, Da Yin Xi Sheng (2005).