【人物】 朱宗慶
朱宗慶,擊樂家、音樂教育家;1954 年 10 月 16 日出生於臺中大雅,為臺灣重要的打擊樂家。1986 年,成立了「朱宗慶打擊樂團」,是臺灣第一支專業的打擊樂團。2001 年,擔任國立中正文化中心主任,著手進行各項改造工程,使兩廳院成為臺灣首例之行政法人機構,又陸續創辦臺灣國際打擊樂節、臺北國際打擊樂夏令營等,把打擊樂推向國際,也藉著到各地演出,成為臺灣外交的最佳櫥窗。2000 年,獲頒第四屆國家文藝獎。
JU Tzong-Ching (ZHU Zong-Qing) was born in Daya, Taichung in 1954. He is an important Taiwanese percussionist. He established the Ju Percussion Group in 1986, the first professional percussion ensemble ever established in Taiwan. Ju became director of the National Chiang Kai-Shek Cultural Center in 2001, and embarked on various renovations that would make the National Theater and Concert Hall become Taiwan’s first public institution. He also created the Taiwan International Percussion Convention and the Taipei International Percussion Summer Camp, globalizing percussion music in Taiwan and using the opportunity to perform abroad. Ju was awarded the National Award for Arts in 2000.