【人物】 蔡繼琨
蔡繼琨,管絃指揮家、樂團管理者;1912 年 9 月 25 日出生於泉州,2004 年 3 月 24 日逝世於福州。曾赴日本留學,並以作品《潯江漁火》參加「日本現代交響樂作品」(日本黎明作曲家同盟主辦)公開徵曲且獲獎。1994年,他成立了福建音樂學院,不僅為福建省的音樂教育寫下輝煌一頁,更到臺灣擔任軍團長、創辦交響樂團,在臺灣音樂史上佔有一席之地,被喻為「臺灣交響樂之父」。曾榮獲教育部文藝金章等。
CAI Ji-Kun was born in Quanzhou, Fujian in 1912. He studied in Japan and won an award for his first orchestra composition “Xun Jiang Yu Huo” at the Japanese Modern Symphonic Works Competition. He established the College of Music at Huaqiao University in 1994, a major contribution to music education in Fujian Province. He eventually came back to Taiwan and established an army band and symphonies. Cai was awarded the Golden Medal of Culture and the Arts by the Ministry of Education in Taiwan. He passed away in 2004.