【人物】 沈錦堂
沈錦堂(1940-2016),作曲家、 音樂教育家。出生於新竹州新竹郡關西庄(今新竹縣關西鎮),畢業於臺北市立高級工業職業學校機械科(今臺北市立大安高工)、國立藝術專科學校音樂科作曲組(今國立臺灣藝術大學)、奧地利維也納音樂學院,而後前往美國攻讀紐約市立大學布魯克林學院音樂碩士。在學期間曾與陳懋良、游昌發、馬水龍、温隆信、賴德和等師友共組「向日葵樂會」(1968)發表作品。畢業後曾任職臺灣省立交響樂團(今國立臺灣交響樂團)演奏部主任、亞洲作曲家聯盟理事(1973)等。曾任教於國立臺灣藝術大學音樂系、國立臺北藝術大學音樂系、國立臺北教育大學、道生神學院等。代表作品有聲樂獨唱曲《漂流》(1974)、弦樂四重奏《裂痕》(1974)、合唱曲《正氣歌》(1980)、獨幕歌劇《魚腸劍》(1990)、室內樂《玄象》(2004)、管弦樂曲《客家頌》(2007)等。
SHEN, Chin-Tang(1940-2016)was a composer and music educator. He was born in Hsinchu County, Taiwan. He graduated from Taipei Municipal Daan Vocational High School and the National Taiwan College of Arts (present day the National Taiwan University of Art) and earned his Master's degree from Brooklyn College at the City University of New York. As a student, Shen, along with friends and teachers such as Mau-Liang Chen, Chang-Fa Yu, Shui-Long Ma, Lung-Hsin Wen and Deh-Ho Lai, established the "Sunflower Music Assembly" in 1968. He later served as director of the performance division of the National Taiwan Symphony Orchestra and director of the Asian Composers League (1973). He taught in the music department at the National Taiwan University of Arts and the Taipei National University of the Arts, the National Taipei University of Education and the Tao-Sheng Theological Seminary. Shen is best known for his vocal solo, Rafting (1974), Rift for string quartet (1974), Positive Song for chorus (1980), the one-act opera, Fish Sword (1990), the chamber music, Imaginary (2004) and the orchestral music, Ode to Hakka (2007).