【人物】 張鴻明
張鴻明,知名南管藝師;1920 年 9 月 30 日生於福建省同安縣馬巷區新店鄉東園村,2013 年 7 月 26 日逝世。自幼受長輩影響學習南管藝術,後拜師高銘網彈奏琵琶,兼唱曲。因國共內戰留在臺灣六十餘年;1971 年起,擔任南聲社館先生,後從事各項教學活動。2010 年,獲選為「重要傳統藝術南管音樂保存者」,為臺灣南管音樂重要推手之一。
ZHANG Hong-Ming was a famous nanguan musician. He was born in the Maxiang district of Fujian province's Tongan County (currently a district in Xiamen City) on Sept. 30, 1920, and died on July 26, 2013. From an early age, Zhang was encouraged by his elders to learn nanguan music. Zhang eventually studied how to play the pipa and singing with Gao Ming-Wang. Due to the civil war between the Chinese Communist Party and the Chinese Nationalist Party, he came to Taiwan in exile and stayed for more than six decades. Zhang became a teacher in the Tainan Nansheng She Ensemble in 1971, and became involved in various educational activities. He was eventually recognized by the Ministry of Culture as Important Traditional Art Preserver in nanguan music. Zhang was an important progenitor of nanguan in Taiwan.