【人物】 徐松榮


徐松榮,具樸質內涵與文化意識的客籍作曲家;1941 年 5 月 6 日出生於苗栗頭份,2012 年 8 月 26 日逝世。畢業於臺北師範學校音樂科,一生從事穩定教學生涯,曾任多所國民小學教職至 2001 年退休。一面響應民歌採集活動,持續創作與發表各類型的作品;另一面致力保存客家文化,以民歌為素材的創作,成功寫下深具風味的客家音樂作品。其一生為音樂默默耕耘,作品富有文化內涵,為臺灣作曲界寫下美麗而永恆的動人樂章。

HSU Sung-Jung (XU Song-Rong) was a Hakka composer characterized by his simplicity and rich cultural cultivation. He was born on May 6, 1941 in Miaoli County’s Toufen Township and died in August 26, 2012. Hsu graduated from the music department at Taipei Teacher’s College. He was a dedicated music educator and taught at a number of elementary schools in Taiwan until he retired in 2001. As an avid folksong collector, Hsu was also a prolific songwriter and often performed his own music. He strove to preserve Hakka culture and wrote many compositions based on folk tunes, successfully creating numerous Hakka-influenced compositions. A dedicated musician, Hsu’s compositions possess rich cultural connotations and his life forms a significant part of compositional history in Taiwan.


