【人物】 李抱忱
李抱忱,作曲家、合唱指揮家;1907 年出生於河北保定,1979 年逝世於臺北。福音園的宗教歌詠氛圍給了他音樂啟蒙的機會,他提倡多年合唱,並推動及指揮了中國第一次全國巡迴演唱會,以及臺灣第一次的聯合大合唱。1972 年來臺長住,繼續推動合唱教育,也留下許多作品,像是《你儂我儂》、《聞笛》、《人生如蜜》,曾獲教育部頒贈金質學術獎章、美國陸軍語言學校服務十年紀念章。
LI Bao-Chen was born in Baoding, Hebei in 1907. He learned the basics about music from the choral singing of evangelists. He was a major proponent of choral music. He promoted and conducted the first choir in China for a national tour. Li also conducted Taiwan’s first intergroup choir. He moved to Taiwan in 1972 and continued to work in choral education. A prevalent composer, his works include “So Much Love between Us,” “Hear the Flute,” and “Life is Like Honey.” Li received the Golden Academic Medal from the Ministry of Education and a commemorative medal from the US Army’s Language School for a decade of service. He died after having a heart attack in 1979.