【人物】 張繼高
張繼高,音樂文字作家;1926 年 7 月 11 日出生於河北天津,1995 年 6 月 21 日逝世於臺北。平生以新聞為專業,對音樂探研甚深。曾軔辦中視新聞部出任首任經理,暨《香港時報》總編輯,《美國新聞與世界報導》中文版社長等,並創立遠東音樂社及《音樂與音響》雜誌,開拓音樂教育風氣,培養國人欣賞興趣,同時引進國際知名聲樂家、舞蹈團來臺表演,擴大歌舞藝術視野,促進國際文化交流。
ZHANG Ji-Gao (Adam ZHANG) was born in Tianjin, Hebei in 1926. He worked in the news industry most of his life, but he was well-versed in music. He served as the first director in the news department at China Television Co, the chief editor at "Hong Kong Times," director of the Mandarin Chinese department for "U.S. & World Report." He established the Far East Music Society and the magazine "Music and Acoustics," ushering in a new era for music education in Taiwan and nurturing people’s interest and ability to appreciate music. He also invited many internationally acclaimed singers and dance troupes to perform in Taiwan, greatly expanding the worldview of musicians and dancers in Taiwan and improving international cultural exchanges. Zhang died in Taipei in 1995.