【人物】 張彩湘
張彩湘,鋼琴家、音樂教育家;1915 年 7 月 14 日出生於苗栗頭份,1991 年 7 月 19 日逝世於臺北。1932 年,隨父親張福興赴日,之後進入武藏野音樂專門學校鋼琴部就讀,副修管樂。1944 年返國後,先後任教於臺中師範學校音樂科、新竹師範預科及國立臺灣師範大學,並創辦「臺北鋼琴專攻塾」,招收學生傳授琴藝,將其德國樂派的嚴謹風格轉移到臺灣,被稱為「臺灣鋼琴音樂教育之父」,現今臺灣著名的鋼琴教授許多都出自他的門下。
ZHANG Cai-Xiang was born in Toufen, Miaoli in 1915. He went to Japan with his father, Zhang Fu-Xing, in 1932, and was soon enrolled in the piano department at Musashino Academia Musicae, with a minor in winds music. He returned to Taiwan in 1944 and started teaching in the music departments at Taichung Teachers College, the preparatory division at National Hsinchu University of Education and National Taiwan Normal University. Zhang Cai-Xiang also founded the Taipei Piano School, where he taught numerous students, bringing the strict and thorough teaching style of the German School to Taiwan. Zhang is often called “the father of Piano pedagogy” in Taiwan. Many of Taiwan’s currently well-known piano professors studied with Zhang. He passed away in Taipei in 1991.