【人物】 吳丁連
吳丁連,作曲家、1950年出生於臺南市。畢業於臺南師範專科學校(今國立臺南大學)(學士)、美國北伊利諾大學(Northern Illinois University)(碩士)與加州大學洛杉磯分校(UCLA)(博士)。1987至1988年間任東吳大學副教授、1988至1992年間任交通大學音樂研究所副教授,1992至2006年間專任該所教授、1988至1990年間任交通大學電腦音樂工作室主持人、2000至2002年間任交通大學音樂研究所所長、2006年起專任於東吳大學音樂學系。吳丁連作品經常入選於行政院文化建設委員會作品甄選並受不同單位委託創作,演出的足跡遍及臺灣及美國、德國、法國、韓國、中國等地。作曲之外,其學術研究亦曾多次獲國科會研究獎項。
WU Ting-Lien, born in Tainan City in 1950, is a composer. WU received his bachelor’s degree from Taiwan Provincial Tainan Junior Teachers’ College (now known as National University of Tainan), his master’s degree from Northern Illinois University, and his doctoral degree from the University of California, Los Angeles. He served as Associate Professor in Soochow University in 1987–88 and in the Institute of Music at National Chiao Tung University from 1988–92. From 1992–2006 he was a professor in NCTU and from 2000–2002 the chair of the Institute of Music at NCTU. From 1988–1990 he was also the director of the electronic music studio of NCTU. Since 2006 WU has taught in the music department at Soochow University. WU’s musical works are regularly nominated and selected in competitions held by the Ministry of Culture. WU also has been frequently commissioned to compose. His music has been performed nationwide and worldwide, including in countries such as the USA, Germany, France, Korea, and China. In addition to being awarded for his compositions, WU has also received several awards from the Ministry of Science and Technology for his music research.